Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree or above; Native speakers of EnglishLanguage; Having some experience in Englishlanguage teaching firstly considered; Self motivated, hard working, strongpassion for education; Be punctual and responsible; Open-minded and easy-going with greatteam spirit. Native English speakers with good Englishaccent from USA, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand arepreferred. 外教要求 : 1. 本科或本科以上學歷 ; 2. 母語為英語 ; 3. 有英語教學經驗的優先考慮 ; 4. 自我激勵,勤奮工作,對教育事業熱愛的 ; 5. 準時有責任心 ; 6. 思想開明,有較強的團隊意識 ; 7. 母語是英語,發音純正,來自美國,英國,加拿大,愛爾蘭,澳大利亞,新西蘭均可優先考慮 .